Chop Rice Cake is a special delight, widely consumed in Shanghai, that also happens to be quite economical. It boasts a long history, measured to almost 50 years. This snack is commonly prepared by the method of frying, it usually using such ingredients as a large pork chop and rice cakes. The preparation of this dish calls for the chop to be fried on both sides over medium heat until it reaches a golden brown color, along with a piece of rice cake. This process does not require a lot of time, so that the dish could preserve both: the savory taste of the pork chop and the crispy texture of the rice cake.

People may find this snack in two of the oldest and best known restaurants specialized in preparing Chop Rice Cake – Shuguang Restaurant (previously known as Xiao Chang Zhou) and Xian De Lai Restaurant. The Chop Rice Cakes served in these restaurants are prepared in an absolutely different manner, therefore each of them has its own distinctive aroma, which makes it difficult to choose or favor only one of them.
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