Bear in mind - wherever there's a college, there's street food. One of the top univercities in Shanghai, Tongji University is also famous for its street food market. The food includes skewers, noodles, etc, all at a price competitive with the …
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Wenmiao or Confucius Temple, used to be the place where Chinese worshipped Confucius and students prayed for good grades and bright future. While the temple was still there, Wenmiao Road has become a classic Shanghai local market. Located in the heart …
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The Zhangjiang High Tech Park is one of the biggest IT/Research Park in China. Its residence are mostly college students and young white-collars. Street food market flourished there and most stalls gathered near the metro station.

Type: Market
Area: Changning District
Time of Day: 8am-7pm
Comments: many different small shops, most sell fruits and vegetables, but you can also find tea stores, butchers, fresh and dry fish, bread and more variety; produce is fresh and available; very convenient location
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celebrating shanghai streetfood heritage